Our Work

Scholarship For the last 25 years, KMEF has given thousands of dollars in scholarship awards to need based students across the country. Today, these gifts are given to students in the same spirit as they were when the fund was first created. If you would like more information on scholarship criteria or if you would like to download either the application or renewal form, please click the appropriate link below:
Strong organizational alliances continue to be an
integral part of KMEF’s outreach strategy. Intelligent collaborations with like-minded
institutions such as Tougaloo College, Illinois Central
College, the Hattie Hutchins Foundation and Kingston Montessori help provide unique avenues of advancement for students at all levels of their
academic career. Furthermore, innovative partnerships with global leaders like AT&T ensure
that KMEF’s vision continues and can benefit the next generation of
aspiring students.The leadership of these organizations
not only helps give them the tools for success but it also instills the desire to help others long after they have graduated. Mentorship A large part of a student’s success has to do with planning and preparation. KMEF acknowledges this and supports mentoring programs to high school students in College Entrance 101. By spending time with big brothers and big sisters, these students can begin to prepare for the challenging road leading to their new college experience. As part of this initiative, KMEF has also begun collaborating with Free The Streets which promotes self-awareness and empowerment of young, aspiring adults who live in underprivileged areas. College Entrance 101